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AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Turkey PTA Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Turkey...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 7, 2021 4:33 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Turkey Styrene Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Turkey...

Categories: Analysis,Central and East Euro...

January 7, 2021 4:15 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Turkey Ethylene Exports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Turkey...

Categories: Analysis,Central and East Euro...

January 7, 2021 3:57 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Taiwanese Producer Applied Triple-Digits Price Adjustment On Latest Offers, Further Revision On PS, ABS Anticipated...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,Malaysia,...

January 7, 2021 1:28 PM (GMT+8)

PlantsSSESSMENTS: PTT Public Company Limited’s Cracker Run Normally, No Longer Using Naphtha Feedstock...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,Ethylene,...

January 6, 2021 7:18 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Benzene (Purity Of 95% Or More By Weight) Exports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,Benzene,...

January 6, 2021 4:54 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Benzene (Purity Of 95% Or More By Weight) Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,Benzene,...

January 6, 2021 4:44 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Isoprene Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 6, 2021 4:38 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Paraxylene Exports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 6, 2021 4:00 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Paraxylene Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 6, 2021 3:24 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Toluene (Purity Of 95% Or More By Weight) Imports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 6, 2021 1:46 PM (GMT+8)

AnalysisSSESSMENTS: Japan Toluene (Purity Of 95% Or More By Weight) Exports As Of November 2020 versus the same period of 2019, Reported by Japan...

Categories: Analysis,Asia Pacific,English,...

January 6, 2021 12:49 PM (GMT+8)